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Our Services, Explained

This resource page is designed to be an educational tool for those that may not know what some of the available services actually mean. Too often in our wealth management industry, advisors communicate with their clients as if they should know all the buzz words they use. The clients, not wanting to feel uninformed, will sometimes nod "yes" and not ask questions.


Our team at Century Financial wants to help you find balance between understanding enough about financial topics that you know how they apply to you, but not so much that you feel like you have to become the expert yourself. Below are some areas of our expertise explained in plain English, not by a PhD in finance.

Click on a topic to learn more.

Investment Management

Investments are the engine that makes your financial plan "go." Learn about the fundamentals behind investing, why a good investment strategy is important, and how we might help you.

401(k) Rollovers

Many Americans leave a job and forget their old retirement plan. Learn why taking control of this asset as soon as it's available is helpful to your financial situation.

Education Funding

Different parents have different wishes for how they want to prepare for their kids' next steps in life. Read about the different options available for your children.

Tax Reduction Strategies

Most families' biggest expense of the year is their tax bill. Though we can't get rid of taxes entirely, we can show you why a plan for taxes is important and how to manage them.

Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer

For charitably inclined and generous families, you want your gifts to provide maximum results to the recipient. We can show you how to do that, plus enhance your personal situation.

Financial Planning

A written financial plan could be more helpful than just a good idea. The "ing" in planning means that a good financial plan leaves room for adjustments as you experience life changes.

Insurance & Risk Management

Life throws unexpected curveballs our way all the time, and some have financial consequences. Learn how we approach the "what-if" conversations with our clients.

Social Security

Who doesn't want guaranteed income in retirement? The challenge: by improper claiming of benefits, you might be leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.

Philanthropy & Gifting

For charitably inclined and generous families, you want your gifts to provide maximum results to the recipient. We can show you how to do that, plus enhance your personal situation.

Comprehensive Wealth Management

For charitably inclined and generous families, you want your gifts to provide maximum results to the recipient. We can show you how to do that, plus enhance your personal situation.

Century Financial logo, which is a wealth management and financial planning firm in Germantown that serves clients in the Memphis area and online.

Who is Century Financial?

Century Financial is a wealth management firm located in Germantown, Tennessee. Our financial advisors have about three decades of combined experience in asset management, financial planning, and other related services for clients in the Memphis area and beyond. Learn how you can grow and preserve your wealth with guidance from our team.

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